We made significant improvements to our Free Nights and Shared Nights calculations to enhance the accuracy and reliability of our platform.
What's New:
  • Enhanced Listing Management:
    We've made changes to how listings are managed when they are deleted or unlisted, ensuring that the calculation of free nights aligns more closely with actual usage.
  • Accurate Night Calculations:
    We've refined our system to more accurately reflect the nights booked and ensure that the adjustments made when a listing is unlisted are correctly calculated, preventing any discrepancies.
  • Detailed Transactions Information:
    We've added more details to the free nights transactions to help you better understand the origin of credited nights. This includes information on which listing the nights were credited from, which booking they were used for, and more. For a detailed view, check out the updates on the Free Nights Transaction Page.
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Need Help or Noticed Something Off?
If you encounter any issues or have questions about how these changes might affect you, please don't hesitate to reach out for support. Our team is here to help and ensure your experience is seamless.
Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to bringing you more enhancements in the future!