Enhanced Mobile Navigation:
  • We've introduced a new mobile navigation menu for both traveler and host modes, offering a user-friendly way to navigate the app on mobile devices.
  • A new travel nights card has been added to the menu, allowing users to easily see their available nights and providing clear call-to-actions for necessary steps like adding a listing or completing their subscription.
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User Interface Improvements:
  • Fixed a navigation loop bug on the confirm and pay page, improving the booking process and preventing users from getting stuck while trying to make a payment.
  • Updated the guest input process, setting the default number of guests to 0 to encourage accurate guest data entry.
Integrated Chat Support:
  • The Intercom chat button has been repositioned to reside within the mobile menu, consolidating tools and features into a more intuitive interface, now labeled as "Live Chat."
Booking Enhancements:
  • Added an alert notification for users to verify Airbnb listing availability before booking, aimed at reducing the chances of double bookings and ensuring a smoother reservation experience.
Coming Soon:
Improved In-App Navigation:
  • Plans are in place to convert each page within the app into tabbed interfaces with back buttons, addressing current navigation challenges and enhancing the flow between pages.
Search and Map Experience Overhaul:
  • We are working on extensive updates to the map and search functionalities to refine the user experience, making it more intuitive and effective.
Listing Page Updates:
  • Future updates will focus on making pricing and fee details, such as cleaning fees, more transparent and easily accessible on the listing pages.
Forward Look:
These updates are just the beginning of our journey towards a fully optimized mobile experience on Hostshare. We are releasing our PWA also very soon which will work like a normal mobile app that you can download right form the website. We are dedicated to continuously improving our platform based on your feedback and the evolving needs of our community.
Thank you for your continued support and engagement. We look forward to bringing more enhancements to make your Hostshare experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible.